Monday, January 23, 2006

Guess Who 6

From: Jack
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 10:55 AM
To: CET Group

This is the sixth mail in the series and this is about a person who is credited with the invention of the neural time machine.This invention forced his parents to change his name and his new name stuck with him for 4 yrs of college after which a new addition was there to his name and that was "KUNDAN". This name was gifted to him by another employee of the software company where he works, and the story of how this came about is very interesting.

One day the character of this story was undergoing training and he sat near an employee during the class. He saw that the employee was wearing a pink shirt. He was interested and he told the employee "GOOD SHIRT". The employee hearing that said that he belonged to "KUNDAN" gang and that was why he was wearing such a shirt. Suddenly his eyes lit up. He saw his opportunity and he said "I TOO HAVE SUCH A SHIRT. IT HAS BEEN MY LIFE LONG AMBITION.CAN I JOIN THIS GANG?". The employee glad to have a partner in the gang accepted him. His induction into the gang was quick. He learned the special noise the members of the gang make as they see a person. He learned how to approach a person. How to recruit a person etc. Suddenly others heard of his new nature. Men kept away from him. He denounced marriage for other reasons. Here ends the story of how he got his name. At times he is called by the employee to do him favours which he kindly carries out.

Weekdays he is busy at work and he is not able to carry out duties for the gang. He is free on week ends. He makes up excuses that he is going to his relatives house. He uses this time to carry out his duties for the gang and do favours for the employee.

Nowadays he is very desperate. It is because the only girl he loved has left him. She has gone to madras. When she left him he has turned more to this new gang for comfort and support.

Another characteristic of this person is his battered face. He has received many blows on his nose especially. Mainly due to activities carried out by the gang and slaps on face with shoes by men. He is careful nowadays. One day when he went for medical check up the doctor asked how many broken bones. His reply made the doctor faint. The answer was 30. This explains his characteristic walk. He has to carry so many broken bones in him.

He spends a lot of time chatting with his gang members through the net and phone. He spends at times about 50-60 rs a day on local calls for carrying out duties and fixing appointments.

As usual sorry for any resemblances to any living person and even if there is any resemblances it will be only to an unique person.