Monday, January 23, 2006

Guess Who 3

From: Jack
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 4:11 PM
To: CET Group

This the third mail

This is about a thinking man who thinks even if it is for no use. Even if he reads this mail he will be thinking about it.His main problem is that he creates problems by thinking. There have been many thinkers in this world but he is completely different from these lot due to the simple reason that they did great things by thinking and solved problems for other people but this person created problems for others by his unique thinking problems. He has been mocked at by his friends and at times because of this he goes into a shell saying that he has lost his 'SHESHI' .

He has many other unique features. He was born with a mustache. His parents have never seen him without one. He is a very determinate person ,determinate in the sense that he is sure to forget his resolution. He drinks milk with no sugar, never eats or drinks a new food item or juice because it is very risky. I dont know how he started to eat rice for the first time.

He has been mocked at by girls for many reasons. But it was due to some misunderstanding. His another unique feature is that he can help other boys to achieve their sweet heart by just looking once at that girl. Such is his power. And when the other fellow gets the girl he is pleased that there is one less girl who will fall for him. Looks like he his besotted by girls.

As usual sorry for any resemblances to any living being and even if there is any resemblances it will be only to an unique person.

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