Monday, March 06, 2006


Often, if you can go out with a broad smile and a warm handshake, the world will greet you back with the same. Generally, people everywhere are good natured and what you get back depends on what you offer. Sometimes, all it takes is a couple of days to kick start a long lasting friendship. People tend to make a much stronger bond with the ones who share their toil during a tough period.


Rat said...


Geo said...

Ha ha ha .... Thanks :_))

PS: For the uninitated, ‘OK’ is the most parliamentary and most effective reply used in our group when somebody comes up with some high funda dialogue :_)). It is used to sideline the author and stop him from continuing his bull***ing

Sujith said...


(for the post as well as ur explanatory comment) :p

hope and love said...
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hope and love said...

ninakkum pidicho ente philosophy kirukku..?!
and may i ask the reason for the sudden spurt of philosophy from one so young..?!

Aashi said...

True!...agree with Hope n love...dont be so philosophcal...doesnt suit u AT ALL.! just laugh the tough times off!(God forbiidden u have any)

i liked ur last post too..!

-Poison- said...


Geo said...


a deluge of OKs ;_)) I should have expected this when I put that xPlanatory comment.
Thanks Jithu, Poison and Alexis.. I know I can count on you guyz to pull my leg anytime anywhere :_)))

Anu chechy and Aishu, Nothing doing with philosophy and all...just some observations. I believe I have written about positive things, may be I am a bad writer :_))

Anu chechy, if you ask for the reason for ‘the sudden spurt of philosophy from one so young’, I just wish to redirect you to Poison’s page :_)) He is not yet out of the college, and he writes volumes of philosophy :_))

hope and love said...

thats exactly the point..! it is the sudden spurt that made me concerned..
and dont fish for compliments.. u know that u write well..

silverine said...

Tough times make good friends. It is only when you have been in a rough stretch that you get to know the other person well.

shruti said...

hmm nice thoughts .. I once read a quote that went ..If there is mud around you there is mud inside u ..adversity teaches you about life n ther is a much stronger bond between 2 who can identify with each other haivng a common link .. similar stories to tell...
and the best thing a person can do is lend an ear and with a generosity ( meaning not analysisng why a person did something or making excuses for his / her deeds but just accepting it as is ) that makes d other person feel at ease with U

Geo said...

@Anu Chechy:

Ye to Brute :_(

True true... if making tough times for each other can be included, then I guess we are pretty good friends :_))

You seem to have philosophical insights into most things... Nice thoughts :_)
Agree cent percent on that ‘lend a generous ear’ part... often what people look for is just a patient listener and a sympathetic and understanding heart.

silverine said...

Guess so :)

venus said...

well said, i've also experienced the smily thing, if you are wearing a smile on your face, the otehr person, though a stranger, will respond with a smile!

La Louve said...

can i type an ok tooo?? plzzzz :)))